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It won the grand prize in a contest organized by AMATA GAMES in June 2022.

We received delightful comments from the developer of this game, Mr. Tatami Room, the president of AMATA Corporation, and Mr. Yokota, a photographer and in-game photographer.
Thank you so much!!

Comments from the judges.

【選評:畳部屋氏】Selection Review: Mr. Tatami Room
木々に囲まれた影の中から覗く印象的な六地蔵、空を映す水面など、構図や色調の補正も含めてとても完成度高くNOSTALGIC TRAINの世界を切り取ってくれています。

The impressive Rokujizo peeking out from the shadows of the trees, the water reflecting the sky, and other elements, including the composition and color correction, capture the world of the NOSTALGIC TRAIN with a very high degree of perfection.

【選評:横田氏】Selection Review: Mr. Yokota

Among the many landscape shots entered, the impressive framing of the forest in the foreground and background and the reflection of the waterfront in the center made this a very dramatic work. It was a unanimous choice.

【選評:髙橋氏】Selection Review: Mr. Takahashi
木々の影で周辺を囲って中央の光を際立たせた中に、シルエットの六地蔵という構図がとても印象的でした。懐かしくも美しい風景が多数あるNOSTALGIC TRAINですが、改めてその風景の美しさに気付かせてくれる一枚です。

The composition is very impressive, with the Rokujizo silhouetted in the shadows of the trees surrounding it, highlighting the light in the center.NOSTALGIC TRAIN has many nostalgic and beautiful landscapes, and this photo reminds us of their beauty.

→Click here to visit the contingent results website.